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Functional Integration Lessons

In the Functional Integration Lessons I work with you on a one-to-one basis.  I craft an individual lesson to address your wishes or needs.


Functional Integration is a form of tactile communication.  I touch and move you gently, revealing to you how you are organising your body.  In doing so, I also suggest how you might reorganise yourself to achieve more effortless and efficient ways to accomplish everyday movements and activities.


Functional Integration Lessons typically involve lying, or sometimes sitting, on a low padded Feldenkrais table. 


You remain fully clothed and it is best to wear warm, comfortable clothes that allow free movement.



I give Functional Integration Lessons in London N3.

Sessions are usually one hour, sometimes a bit more. They are £60. Concession are available.  



I have a 24h cancellation policy.



Individual Session 

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